Meet the Author

Connie Bowman is an actress and voiceover talent, as well as the author of three previous books: Back to Happy, Beau’s Day Care Day, and There’s an Elephant in My Bathtub. She lives in Maryland with her husband and chocolate lab, Sophie, and enjoys hiking, biking, cooking, running, and teaching yoga.
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, E-book
Pages: 34
ISBN HC: 978-1-947860-73-5
ISBN PB: 978-1-947860-74-2
Release Date: 10/15/2019
“This is such an endearing, insightful, special little book about the joys and struggles of having a sibling with special needs. A joy to read!”
—Cheri Glover, artist and mom of a child with autism
“Super Socks by Connie Bowman illustrates how special children and adults with special needs are. The pure imagination and attention to small details is refreshing and different. We are all different, but for those who seem to be a little more different than expected, it is often a difficult journey. This is a wonderful exploration of the importance of patience and true understanding, and of the rich and comforting internal worlds of special needs children. Thanks, Connie.”
—Kevin Collabucci, Special Olympics coach and parent of a special needs child
“What a great book! Not only is it fun for kids, but it is a great go-to book to help parents begin the conversation about the acceptance of differences!”
—Alison Mitzner, MD, pediatrician, family wellness expert, fitness advocate,
writer, media contributor, and mom of two
“It seems to me that something magical happens when we embrace diversity and celebrate the fact that everyone’s voice has something of value to share in the circle of learning. This book creatively reminds us that we become better people when we accept and learn from the uniqueness of others.”
—Sue Leader Miller, theater educator
“Doing things differently or being a little different certainly keeps life interesting. In Super Socks, two sisters experience how their differences help inspire and empower others to appreciate diversity. Three-year-old Katie, who has Down syndrome, chooses her big sister’s socks each day. Her mismatched choices help her sister to understand there is beauty in the many contrasts of life. Super Socks is a short story that presents a valuable life lesson for not only children, but people of all ages.”
—Cynthia Parr, Executive Director, ARC of Howard County, MD
“I love this book, and I love the blessing of having a daughter with Down syndrome. To have her in my life strips away the ridiculous and helps me focus on the beautiful and the joyful. Through her, I have found that beauty lies in simple measures, and she has given me a much better perspective and life than
I could have ever imagined without her.”
—Michelle Graves, proud mother of a daughter with Down syndrome
“In Super Socks, Connie Bowman shows us a portrait of what it is like to live and learn with someone who has a disability. This book is wonderful for all students and will help promote awareness and the importance of acceptance.”
—Dana Beyer, teacher of students with learning disabilities.
“Why is Molly so sensitive about her socks? Like Molly, I grew up with something most people cannot understand: the emotional impact of having a sibling with a disability. Molly might appear sensitive to some, but in reality it’s just her way of fighting for her sister. We become protectors first; it’s our first
instinct. Super Socks is a conversation starter that will hopefully lead to unity and acceptance in today’s youth.”
—Amanda Owen, author of Pieces of Me
“Children are magical in their ability to accept the world as it is. Given the chance, they are brave souls. No place is that bravery more evident than among children born with Down syndrome. These children acknowledge what is, without resisting or denying, but simply accepting—with joy—all things new
and different. In Connie Bowman’s Super Socks, children will learn an enduring lesson about accepting the things that make us unique!”
—Deborah Hawkins Wright, M.A., CAPM, founder of Inside/Out Loving You Life Strategies Consulting
“Like Molly and Katie, we can all choose to celebrate diversity and let our differences and our love unite us.”
—Jason Kimmel, director/instructor, children’s theatre