Hammond's Choice
A Moose's History of North America
written by Terri Sebastian
illustrated by Button Boggs
Do Spiders Need Leggins When it’s Cold Outside? is a bedtime story book full of animals and pirates. Along with the spider that needs leggins, author Terri Sebastian introduces readers to a silly old polka dot cat, a lady moose all dressed in red, and the pirate that lives in a closet inside a shoe with his crewmate, a little brown mouse.
Terri wrote each story in this book in response to her son, Ryan’s childhood questions. “Mom, what do spiders do when it’s cold outside?” was the one that started it all. After Ryan died just before his sixteenth birthday, Terri decided to collect these stories as a way to honor him. Ryan’s memory is carried on not only by this book and these stories, but also by the five people whose lives he saved by being an organ donor.
Reading these stories not only explains how spiders keep warm or how the pirate who lives in your shoe stays busy at night, but how a legacy of giving can keep the world safe.
To order this book at the sale price, please contact us at ceci@brandylanepublishers.com.

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Meet the Author
Terri Sebastian was born in Chicago, Illinois. Her father played on the opposing team that traveled with the Harlem Globetrotters, and her mother was an opera singer with the Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company. Terri took a less glamorous road and pursued a teaching career. She earned a master’s degree in education at the University of Illinois. Terri recently retired after thirty years in the education field. She now enjoys spending time with her “boys” (two 150 lb. German Shepherds) in a log cabin, deep in the woods, which she, her son and her husband built.
Formats: Hardcover
Pages: 40
ISBN HC: 978-1-883911-83-6
Release Date: 2009
“A very sweet collection of short stories written by a mother for her son. Anyone who’s ever loved a child knows all about the many (sometimes silly) questions a young person can throw your way. In Sebastian’s rhyming stories she answers some of the greatest questions with some of the most creative answers. The hand penned, purposefully squiggly illustrations have a dreamlike, vintage-Y feel.” —childrens_book_reviews, children’s book reviewer on Instagram